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Packing for English weather 

Although I checked the weather forecast before I left, I still packed for all possible conditions.  It was surprisingly hot most days of my trip, but there was the occasional downpour and a cool morning or two.  I brought a light, packable rain jacket, a travel umbrella and a few light scarves.  I hardly used them, but I'm glad I packed them.  I also weatherproofed my sneakers which kept my shoes clean, even with all the hiking we did. The smartest thing I brought was wool tank tops.  They were great for layering and keeping cool!

Going through Airport Security

I ran into some trouble going through security at Heathrow Airport. The officer said it was because I packed all my electronics in one bag - my camera, extra batteries, hard drive, chargers, cords, and plug adapters.  I was allowed to look at the x-ray scan of my bag, and I agreed, it looked suspiciously dangerous (never say the word "bomb" in an airport).  So, unless you want your bag to be unpacked and searched, do not put all of your electronics in one bag.

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